Minnetonka Lake

Quick Facts: Minnetonka Lake
Countries: USA
Surface area: 14.528 acres (59 km2)
Surface elevation: 929 ft (283 m)
Max. depth: 113 ft (34 m)
Shore length: 125 mi (200 km)
Primary outflows: Minnehaha Creek
Primary inflows: Six Mile Creek

Minnetonka Lake is located in Minnesota, 12 miles (19 km) west of Minneapolis. This beautiful natural lake, 23 square miles (60 sq km) in area, has a deeply indented, wooded shoreline and several small islands.

The lake and its vicinity constitute the Minnetonka Game Refuge. Once famous for its luxurious multi-decked excursion steamers and large hotels, the lake is still a popular resort, the site of many summer homes, and a center for water recreation. The resort also has facilities for golf and tennis.

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